I submitted an inventory in compliance with the EPA's October 16th deadline...
Now What?
Public Water Systems should make themselves familiar with the next update to the Lead & Copper Rule: The Lead & Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)
EPA's fact sheet summarizing the primary LCRI requirements can be found below.​​​
Public Water Systems are encouraged to pay close attention to requirements surrounding Inventory Validation. Please see the fact sheet for more information.
Keep in mind, inventories are required to be updated annually. If you would like assistance gathering customer-side (private-side) service line information, we encourage you to click “Take The Survey” at the top-right of this page.
You may direct customers of your Public Water Systems to this survey, and survey response data will be shared with the applicable Public Water System upon request
Data requests should be sent via email to: sara.carlson@bartwest.com​
All Wyoming Public Water Systems were sent a copy of their reviewed inventory via email. If you did not receive a copy, or if you would like a new copy, please contact: wyomingLSL@hdrinc.com or sara.carlson@bartwest.com.

The Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments (OSLI) and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are working together to protect public health by helping Wyoming’s communities identify service line materials in drinking water systems.
Drinking water systems need to identify and generate an inventory of material types for their system’s drinking water service lines. These initial inventories are required to be submitted by the water systems to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by Oct. 16, 2024.
Visit the Provider Resources Page for background information, guidance, training materials and tools to create and submit your system's inventory.
Wyoming water service providers are encouraged to create an account on this website. Account holders can access downloadable project training materials, training videos, and can opt to receive project updates via email.
Create your account or log in to view provider resources by clicking the button below.